Thursday, 14 March 2013


Power is the ability to control the combination of maximum speed and maximum muscular strength over a short period of time.


What is it?

Plyometrics Power is designed in order to improve explosive leg power as well as its regular usage to increase the power in sports. This is a useful training method as it engages and stretches the targeted muscles or muscle groups at the same time.

Below is some of the exercises which you could do:
Weight Training
(Triceps and Biceps)

Press Up
(Triceps and Biceps)

Bench Jump
(Quads, Calves and Hamstrings)

(Quads, Calves and Hamstrings)

What are the benefits of using this training method?

A benefit of this training method is if a sporting participant was to stretch a contracted muscle it becomes stronger then it was previously. The training method can also increase levels of stamina and as the intensity of the activities are high it is able to burn a lot of calories  

What are the disadvantages of this training method?

Injuries may occur with repetitive movement, as well as needing a supervisor if completing this method to make sure the routine is being completed correctly. With the repetitive jumping and bounding whilst performing the exercises, it can cause a huge amount of stress on the joints; which could become weaker if they are not treated by a doctor, which results in not giving the full support needed.  

A sport which would benefit from this type of training method would be a footballer, this is because it builds up more power for their legs in order for them to put force behind the ball when either passing or shooting. For the players to build up the power in their legs they would need to complete activities such as a box jump and hurdles. If there was to be a lack of power, the player would be unable to kick the ball as far as what they are wanted/needed to do; the main muscles which are being used are the Quads and the Hamstrings. 

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